Why I am running an event for free

There is no catch at all.

All I hope from it is that they reach out when a manager or owner needs support with their patient experience and team development. They contact us and book a call.

The event (which delivers incredible value) is my TCO implementation Sprint on 13th March.

Places are limited, and this event runs from 10:30-3 pm.

Book your place here

The Sprint was an event I ran twice last year, and it was a big thing for me as I had wanted to run it for years.

I know how hard getting a project off the ground can be, especially for practice managers – projects chop, change, and are binned with the click of a finger.

Treatment coordination is a big project. You want to get it right, so this one-day free event for owners and managers only will share with you:

Yes, all in 4 hours (as we let you take a short break).

Not only that, but you come away armed with the tools you need:

If you have a team member that you would like to send on a course, then we have the Introduction to Treatment Coordination course on 28th March 2025 live in London.



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