Management Monday


Every Monday, Nikki Berryman – licensed Practice Management Consultant for Laura Horton Consulting – posts about her current plans and experiences as the Business Development Manager for Pure Dental Health in Cornwall.


‘Its been another busy week here at Pure Dental. This week we have had all our vacuum autoclaves and washer/disinfectors serviced and validated for HTM01-05 compliance.


I do remember a time when autoclaves took very little time to be serviced, however, current guidelines now mean that it takes an engineer a whole day.


I also carried out our monthly water quality checks and completed our Legionella and Water Quality Control regime table – this entailed checking and recording water temperature from every outlet in the practice, and also reviewing the condition and state of repair of the water tanks –important and necessary, but time consuming!


We also had our monthly team meeting this week. I break down our meetings into sections, H&S, Patient Care, Safety & Quality, Business & Marketing, Team Training and General Info – this system works really well. If I don’t have anything specific to discuss under a heading, then we will review and discuss policies and procedures already in place to ensure all team members are up to date and that patient care is at the forefront of our service delivery. I also use team meetings as a tool to ensure CQC compliance.


Anyway, phew! Enough from me, I will be in Paris this week enjoying a break!!! Have a great week everyone.’



Nikki Berryman

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