Course Information:
This course is for 6 Dentists and their key team members so that you can implement and deliver Comprehensive Dentistry with confidence.
Delivered to you by practice owner and practising Dentist Dr Andy Denny and GDC registered Business Consultant Michael Bentley, this 3-day course delivers a perfect combination of theory and practice from the world class, grass roots systems that Dr Denny and Michael Bentley live and breathe.
Comprehensive Dentistry cannot be delivered by a Dentist alone, it takes a team of people to work alongside the clinician to ensure your clinical abilities are showcased. The course has been specifically designed so that you can understand every stage of what you and your team need to do, in order to convey your brand message of clinical excellence by a world class team, resulting in a VIP experience for your patients’.
The course is structured so that you and your key team members will leave with all the ‘tools’ needed to implement the vital clinical and non-clinical aspects of Comprehensive Dentistry.
At every stage the training will be split into group, team and Dentist sessions to maximise the time with Andy and Michael.