Dealing with new patient emails tip 4 – be the first to reply
How can I be the first to reply if they email while we are closed or if I am busy?
If you want to become really slick and good at converting then you need to increase your systems and maximise your potential.
You can do this for as little as £13 month or you can really go for and invest £150-£200 a month
Here’s how?
On your website ask your prospective NP to complete their details and tick to confirm what their concerns are e.g. missing teeth, broken teeth, yellow teeth etc
As soon as they complete their details they can receive an email about their concern direct to their inbox. Your are then the first to reply increasing your chances straight away! Thereafter you can send a sequence of emails focused on just the one topic! I see some practices offering free reports – make sure that you are addressing the patients’ they have a need can you help them?
Using the systems I recommend below you will be able to build a database. You will also know when someone has completed their details. Imagine if a NP does this on a Sunday evening, they receive the information they need immediately then on the Monday morning you can call them and speak to them. You need to stay in their mind as much as possible.
The cheaper way to do this is by using AWeber
The Ultimate way is by using Horton CRM
Laura Horton
Providing dentists and their dental team with training programmes to increase results with proven successful methods.