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Management Monday – Nikki Berryman

Every Monday, Nikki Berryman – licensed Practice Management Consultant for Laura Horton Consulting – posts about her current plans and experiences as the Business Development Manager for Pure Dental Health in Cornwall –
‘Morning everyone. Is it just me or does the year seem to be going really quickly? Mid-March already!
I don’t know about you but the lighter mornings and evenings allow me to cram a little more into my working day, which I guess can only be a good thing.
This week saw the launch of the Pure Study Club for 2012 after a very successful series of events during 2011. The first speaker was Nigel Reece from Dental Design Ltd. Nigel spoke to our group for a couple of hours about internet marketing, websites, SEO, pay per click Google advertising and of course social media.
However, one of the most important factors of any kind of marketing is ROI (return on investment). There is absolutely no point at all spending money on any kind of marketing activity without it a) being planned and budgeted for, and b) calculating the ROI.
Knowing your numbers and what works for you in terms of marketing investment will allow you to become much more focused and streamlined in your marketing strategy. Marketing only works if it is planned, budgeted, reviewed and assessed; poor & uninformed marketing is probably worse than none at all.
Have you got a marketing strategy in place for your practice?
Have a great week!’

Nikki Berryman

Providing dentists and their dental team with training programmes to increase results with proven successful methods.

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